Knowledge Test Stories and Tips

Here are some stories and tips from students who have taken the knowledge test to help you prepare for it. Click "Share My Story" above if you would like to share your own experience.


When I took the knowledge test, I was really nervous at first, but preparing for it wasn't as bad as I thought. I used the study guide they gave us, and I also watched a few videos online, which really helped break things down. I made sure to go over the practice questions a lot, especially the ones that covered stuff like road signs and basic rules, because those are pretty straightforward.

--Neil, 02/09/2025

I recommend reading the information and watching the videos there all helpful when taking the tests makes everything easier honestly. I was prepare by always reviewing with the little testers they give you before the final exam . I found the signs a little difficult. The easiest were questions about the cars what to do and what not to do when driving.

--Yesenia Ramirez, 02/08/2025

just read what it says and take notes if you have to its pretty straight forward

--Kaleb, 02/03/2025

This test was pretty easy if you pay enough attention. The hardest questions for me were the questions that had you pick for example 500 feet or something.

--A new driver, 02/03/2025

Focus and use your common sense .

--Kenneth Henry, 01/29/2025

took the first 6 hours 48 days before my 15th birthday, and chose the next 26 hours of the course behind the wheel once I got my permit. Super easy to follow and read would recommend to anyone who needs to take their lessons.

--Christabelle Harwood, 01/14/2025

To prepare for the test I made sure to pay attention to the chapters. I found the bike law questions the most difficult. The easiest questions were the basic driving questions.

--Kade Brown, 01/14/2025

I read the homework part of the course after every lesson and the most difficult questions were the ones to remember a certain sign.

--Ramon, 01/09/2025

Read the handbook. It helps.

--Dirk, 01/08/2025

i think it was good

--haylie french, 01/08/2025

Believe in yourself and just be confident on your answers. If you believe you know the correct answer, choose it and keep going forward.

--Chris , 01/03/2025

It was a challenged for me, because it took me a while for me to learn the road safety and also because it took me 2 tries but all other than that is really easy just learn the steps stay focused do your work and complete the 6 hours and u will get it and also dont give up.

--Alexis Gomez, 01/02/2025

My tip of advice for new teens getting their learners permit and license, don't just skim through this information. Read it, learn it, acknowledge it, we need more safe drivers on the roads and hopefully you can be the next one.

--Taytum, 12/11/2024

study and you will pass

--Carlos Herrera, 12/09/2024

It was a great test for the basics of learning to drive and with a good difficulty level. It covers things I was taught before so no I wasn't confused at any question.

--Michael, 11/27/2024

It was a very easy test to complete you just have to pay attention to the courses and study a few times before you take the test so that you can be for sure prepared for it. The more easier questions were the sign questions and the harder ones were the word questions.

--David Cantarero, 11/07/2024

Don't stress about every little detail you will make mistakes and that's ok just try again until you get it what really helped me prepare for my knowledge test is confidence and my mom drive me around and quizzed me. Dont stress, have confidence, and good luck.

--Nathan Valles, 10/16/2024

I took notes during the videos so I could study.

--MK, 10/08/2024

Before you take this test, study. It will help a lot.

--John Jones, 10/03/2024

It was gud ig

--Avery, 10/02/2024

Make sure to study the exact numbers. You got this

--Ziva, 09/29/2024

I say the first 6 hours of the course might be the easiest. Noy just that i suggest you read everything, take notes and preform the practice tests

--Lizeth Ramas, 09/28/2024

i found it really educating and helpful with the paracticing really helped

--ella roche, 09/24/2024

Read through and take notes on important points, then take test.

--Christopher Alvarez, 09/15/2024

I have to say that studying with safe2drive was easy and stress free. They taught all of the information needed for the test. Would recommend.

--Seva, 09/14/2024

the test for me was easy because when I was 14 years old at that age I would already know what most of the signs meaning are and the rule of the streets where. The only question I did struggle on was the narrow bridge sign because I don't really see that sign in my area.

--krystal, 09/12/2024

I Genuinely love this site. The course itself is very easy and very maintainable to instantly get your certificate and your license. 10 out of a 10. I recommend this to 15 years old and older.

--Alacia Dorsey, 09/10/2024

Make sure you study your signs those are annoying to remember.

--Gabby Nguyen, 09/08/2024

To prepare for the knowledge test, I reviewed every chapter's homework and did the practice exams until I passed every single one with at least an 80. I found the law questions most difficult but not too difficult as long as you read every chapter carefully you will be okay and more understanding of the answer. The sign questions were the easiest as I pay attention to signs on the roads when being in a vehicle and reading before the exam what every sign means.

--Nikki Jo Hernandez, 09/04/2024

If you were actually paying attention to the course you would pass this with ease. Make sure you study the road signs and the law.

--Torryan Brown, 08/31/2024

What I did to prepare for this test I reviewed, before taking the test.

--Diana Rebollar, 08/15/2024

I didn't realize i was taking the actual test, it was super easy

--Julie shirey, 08/12/2024

If I am being honest. I found this course fairly simple. I thought that everything was explained thoroughly and simply. The knowledge test was fairly simple as well. there weren't many hard questions. All the questions were in the practice exams, so if you take the practice exams you'll do well on the knowledge test.

--Desiyah , 08/07/2024

I am a more visual learner so the sign questions were easier for me, but the questions on laws were harder for me. If you know what kind of learner you are you should spend more time studying on your weakness.

--Landon Konkle, 08/05/2024

I study my flashcards before doing the knowledge test, the easiest question was the sign while the only difficult one was the bump yellow sing.

--Alejandra Muniz, 08/01/2024

what helped me was taking the practice exams for practice they helped a lot as well as taking notes on each lesson.

--Melanie, 08/01/2024

Make sure you review the lesson summaries at the end of the slides because they really help. Also do all of the practice activities for the quizzes and they review terms and information that may appear on the knowledge test.

--Colt, 07/31/2024

This was extremely easy and helpful. I enjoyed this lesson letting me get my learners license easy and efficiently

--Annabelle, 07/27/2024

Honestly, I skimmed over my notes and made sure to do the last two lessons as I knew they were the most important and took many lengthy notes of each section. It wasn't too hard, I just stumbled over a couple questions and got an 86.

--Amelia Spears, 07/25/2024

It was common sense

--Isabelle Gaines, 07/14/2024

this is an self-pacing course, work at your own pace.

--zauriah cofield, 07/05/2024

In my opinion I would say take it as a time space

--Zauriah Cofield , 07/05/2024

This course perfectly prepares you for the knowledge test, as long as you pay attention in most of the lessons leading up to the knowledge test, you will be fine and likely pass with an 80 at the least or higher.

--Ashton Wulff, 06/23/2024

It was very easy if you actually read through the courses you would easily pass it

--Anahi, 06/23/2024

make sure not to try and rush through everything, try to memorize everything

--gabriel reyes, 06/14/2024

To prepare for the test I studied the information from the courses and took a lot of the practice exams to make sure that I would pass the knowledge test.

--Cochise , 06/10/2024

Do the practice test so you can be ready for the real test.

--Liv Nel, 06/07/2024

After taking the knowledge test, I passed it. One thing that helped me the most is taking notes. It isn't required to write word-for-word, but I do help note-taking the most important parts of the lessons. As well as, since your notes are yours, it'll be easier to review your own notes rather than looking at the whole entire lesson again.

--Elizabeth Dolly, 06/01/2024

My experience from the knowledge test was amazing. The test wasn't hard because I knew everything it was talking about. My advice is to pay attention and study and take notes. To prepare for the test I was studying and learning when ever I rode around with my mom. All questions were easy in my opinion and none were difficult.

--Micahel Hunter, 05/27/2024

To prepare for the knowledge test, i just made sure i paid attention to the videos, and i took down notes and tried my best

--messiah crane, 05/09/2024

I took my knowledge test the first time i took it was hard but after i went back and study and study it got understandable.

--Cameron hall , 05/04/2024

While I was taking the knowledge test I found out it is legal to ride in a truck bed at the age of 18. I thought it was illegal.

--Adalyn, 05/02/2024

This was great, The explaining was amazing and the lessons were great. I also love the games and the pictures that explained things were great

--Madellynn Hope Cain, 05/01/2024

I studied by reviewing the lessons I had done so far and taking the practice tests to push my knowledge about what I've learned thus far.

--Lauralai Bates, 04/29/2024

I went through all of the chapters and learned from them to prepare for the test. None of the questions were difficult because i paid attention to the chapters. All of them were easy.


I had the most trouble on the signs, so be prepared for those questions. The homework was the most helpful thing to prepare for the test. Also prepare for the true or false questions, some of them was hard. I think everyone should pay attention to the homework.

--John Henry Cooper, 04/26/2024

don't always pick all of the above, it's a trap.

--Simeon Merrell, 04/22/2024

During this test it made me realized a lot of new things I did not know about, for example some signs that I did not understand or even knew about. One thing I did to get me prepare for the test was study and go over the review games more than once. The easiest questions for me were the ones with the stop and yield signs. One of the questions I found difficult were the ones having to know how many inches and feet I had to be away from certain things.

--Freddy Gabino, 04/12/2024

The knowledge test was easier than it seemed, I finished in a few minutes. Don't be nervous, though I know it seems impossible. Just take notes of key points and focus on what each lesson is telling you. Study the handbook notes, too. That's what actually helped me pass. Right of way might've been the most confusing to learn about when it came to no signals type of intersections, but when you're behind the wheel just pay attention to other drivers around you, I suppose. You got this.

--Vanessa, 04/06/2024

I studied by going back and doing all the review quizzes and practice tests for each chapter. I highly reccomend this. Good luck.

--Ethan Hunt, 04/02/2024

Just set a good schedule and even if it seems a lot just keep trying no matter what and don't give up because trust me you well be so happy once you have your permit

--Sophie S, 03/23/2024

My experience taking the knowledge test was good. The test is not as hard as you think it would be. To prepare for the test I paid attention to the lessons I took before attempting the knowledge test, and I made sure to do the homework and read the handbook. I found the sign questions to be more difficult because in the town I reside in, and many other surrounding areas I don't typically come across some of the signs the lessons go over. However, I think the overall test wasn't too difficult.

--Natalia, 03/19/2024

I had a little hard time on the law questions.

--Josh, 03/13/2024

What I did to prepare for the knowledge test was study and download helpful apps on my phone that would simulate the exam such as the app DMV Genie, this made sure I was well prepared for the test. I would also read over notes. The types of questions I found the most difficult were the signs test just because there is so many of them and it is a bit hard to memorize them all. The easiest questions were the traffic law questions since I had more notes preparing me for those.

--Stephanie Salgado, 02/24/2024

For the test, I prepared by doing the extra homework lessons and rereading some of the major bullet points about traffic signs, shape, and color. For the most part, it reviewed more of lessons 6 and 7 for me, so I would try focusing on those more. Also remember the laws over what to do and not to do.

--Jayson, 02/07/2024

I just read the lessons

--Jaden Barber, 02/03/2024

Securing my driver's learning permit was a pivotal experience, shaping my journey toward independence and responsibility. Preparing for the permit test not only deepened my understanding of road safety but also boosted my confidence. Passing the test validated my commitment and readiness for the responsibilities of driving.

--Evelyn Gansler, 01/29/2024

It was fairly easy for me, just study before and do practice exams because those help also. I do prefer to do it online on here instead of going to the DPS because online is free and you can take it as many times you have too.

--Bre, 01/20/2024

Study the signs because that was the hardest part

--Audrey paine, 01/15/2024

The knowledge test wasn't as hard i think you just have to pay attention and go over the material. I believe it was easy because things stick with you when you drive around you notice what the signs mean and what to do in situations.

--Melissa Hinojosa, 01/10/2024

The Knowledge Check is not hard as long as you pay attention to what you are reading and study what you feel you need to study or need more work on.

--Ava Roberts, 01/04/2024

After taking the test, I feel like the most challenging part of the tests are the sign identification. The law part of the test is purely just part-memorization and part logical reasoning while the signs identification is purely memorization.

--Andy G, 12/21/2023

It isn't as hard as it seems, as you grow up watching your parents drive the signs and roads become way easier to remember. The questions I struggled with were the railroad signs because a lot of signs look similar. Make sure you pay attention and practice

--Madelyn Buchanan, 12/03/2023

In all honesty it was easy. I found it fun and looked forward to learning everything I can about driving. The handbook was very useful and everything you need was easy to learn. With the handbook and all the classes, it was so much more easy to learn I felt more confident in myself. It helped a lot to reread the material incase I missed anything as well. In all of this I feel very confident to drive now.

--Ava, 11/22/2023

I study and reviewed the material many times until i got it down. The signs were the hardest just because there are so much of them. The street test was easier because it was mainly just common sense.

--Zane Conway, 10/25/2023

take your time and go over your answers use common knowlege and dont stress

--kensyn, 10/22/2023

It is important to know what is important while driving and keep everything in your mind. You will also understand driving safely is important for yourself but at the same time, it is important for others.

--Rie Rodriguez, 10/14/2023

I went over past lessons, reviewed my notes, and created flash cards to help jog my memory. I also reviewed all road signs and basic laws before attempting my test.

--Meaghann, 10/12/2023

I found this course very easy. The only parts that I had a little trouble on was the signs. If u study the signs you will be fine. The law part of the test are very easy.

--James Duncan, 10/11/2023

I passed my test since on July 13, 2023, and read the questions carefully. You always read the questions carefully, pay attention, listen, read, study, and take notes. Because if you don't do those things, you fail.

--Deon Bell, 10/01/2023

Honestly, all you have to do is pay attention and be ready for what's coming. It's not hard, and it's not easy. It's all about common sense and see if you have really been paying attention or not.

--Isaac, 09/26/2023

When I took my test I was so relaxed and knowing you have a whole hour to take it is better, so my tips would just be relaxed and use your time wisely

--Alexander Hartsfield, 09/22/2023

It was really easy

--Reese Pennington, 09/11/2023

The notes were really helpful. I liked how they were organized and it was very straightforward. The interactive games also helped, as I could visualize the concepts and apply them to the real world.

--Snehal, 08/24/2023

During the test i completed this test in 5 min because i focused plenty during the actual lessons and all you need to get through these test is to remember your lessons and keep practicing

--Nathan Valdez, 08/22/2023

I would recommend studying the laws and the consequences for breaking them are, that's where I struggled the most.

--Emma Rose, 08/18/2023

it was very easy and good to learn

--Harish, 08/18/2023

What I did to prepare was take notes on every lesson. The questions I had the most trouble with were the signs sense I didn't write or draw them down.

--Kayla, 08/18/2023

pay attention to everything on this course it'll be real useful when the test comes. also study

--marco, 08/16/2023

It was really easy you just have to remember everything Mainly the road signs

--Eliaya, 08/14/2023

Don't overthink it you just need to study, and work hard.

--Dayanara , 08/14/2023

It was easy and really easy to follow.

--Hamza, 08/08/2023

Don't be nervous and study. You will do fine as longest you be doing your homework and be doing the practice test.

--Al, 08/07/2023

I felt that the test was actually quite easy to pass. This is largely because I would always take the practice tests in the homework links provided. The hardest questions were by far the questions that asked for very specific answers, such as ones regarding to spacing in parallel parking in feet.

--Vinesh Pillai, 08/05/2023

Yes it was pretty easy just have to read

--Yes, 07/28/2023

study over the vocabulary and also the material in general

--Derek Dungan, 07/28/2023

The lessons were pretty helpful. I was able to learn a lot in a couple hours thanks to the lessons, so the knowedge test was pretty easy to do.

--mark, 07/27/2023

I found it easy to not rush and take your time

--Marcus , 07/26/2023

The test wasn't hard if you actually paid attention to what you were reading, and didn't scan through it.

--Kelly Gaston, 07/25/2023

My experience with the knowledge test was semi difficult. I mostly wrote down things I thought were important and studied them before I took the test. The hardest questions were the law ones, because they were most difficult to remember. The easy questions were the types of signs in the streets. But overall if you just go over notes that you take and study them you should be good.

--lilyana hernandez, 07/24/2023

All I really have to say is just pay attention and read everything word for word to pass and so you will know the roads better.

--Jayden Johnson, 07/23/2023

One tip I have for other people who are taking their Learner License Test soon is to make sure you understand the meanings of colors with signs and the meaning of their shapes. Other than that the rest of the questions are really just common sense questions.

--Kay Bohuslav, 07/17/2023

Always get you lisins be for driveling

--Joey , 07/17/2023

Always get you lisins be for driveling // BLOCKED - Same review twice. KV

--Joey , 07/17/2023

It was honestly an easy test. I feel like if you didn't pass it your first time it's because you didn't listen or pay attention to your courses.

--isabelle gaines , 07/16/2023

Just study and you will get it just fine

--Luca Salvatore, 07/13/2023

I was a little nervous taking the test but i had study hard by righting down important notes ,and rereading the lessons until it was stuck in my head.The most difficult or confusing question was one of the road signs .Make sure you know your road signs so you can navigate the roads safely.

--Nuvia Perez, 07/13/2023

it's really easy just as long as you are paying attention.

--ciara raven, 07/09/2023

To prepare for the test I copied notes with pen and paper. The questions I personally felt were most difficult were the ones about the signs because I didn't remember what all of them meant. The easiest were the ones I already knew.

--Cerenity Brown , 07/08/2023

The test was great and I used the PTDE to practice. You should more focus on the road signs. Than you

--Melchie Ngemba, 07/08/2023

Make sure to study and review the material.

--Will Young, 07/05/2023

I really just went over and reread the books atleast twice, if you truly read carefully and pay attention the tests and quizzes will be a breeze.

--Ana Vazquez, 07/03/2023

I recommend taking notes and doing the homework.

--Gilberto Montiel, 07/02/2023

The sign questions were the hardest study for them.

--Samuel Leverett, 06/29/2023

To prepare for the test I just looked over some things. The test was pretty easy, and the only reason i got a question wrong is because I meant to choose D but chose C.

--Darryl Brocken, 06/28/2023

Take a lot of notes, read and study for 2 hours a week

--Deon Bell, 06/28/2023

What I would do to get good scores is that i would review everything before doing the test

--Geovanny Say, 06/26/2023

driving is going to be easy if you can remember stuff you know. how I remember it is really thinking about how your on the street and thinking about what's makes sense. just please don't make stupid decisions. I like how this course gives you the information about everything before you take the test and helps you prepare for it.

--Rolando Hernandez JR, 06/19/2023

I found that this was a really good course and is very good at answering questions that you may have.

--Jackson, 06/19/2023

Read, study and take lots of notes.

--Noe , 06/15/2023

What I did for my permit test is I listened attion to the 6 hours before having to take test. I didn't really study before the test its mostly just common sense. When taking your test don't stress out and try to remember what you learned.

--Emma Avila, 06/13/2023

To help you prepare for your test make sure you're taking notes and being consistant with the courese

--Delilah Hernandez, 06/11/2023

it was eisy you just got to study and pay attiotion

--skylor manuel, 06/06/2023

To prepare for the test I would go over the past units and go over the unit tests. The questions I found the most difficult was the when to yield and when not to yield. For me the easiest questions were the sign questions.

--Braeden Cortinas, 06/01/2023

It was stressful, and although I missed one question about how many inches to parallel park from the curb, I did pretty well.

--Caiden Stamp, 05/25/2023

Take notes on every single chapter, every question is valuable and really important when becoming a driver.

--Addison Alvarez, 05/22/2023

To pass my knowledge test I had to study a lot. I used all of the materials given to me through the course and it all proved successful. The signs part of the test was easiest because I found the images easy to remember.

--Jose Rodriguez, 05/21/2023

The test is pretty easy just focus on reading the passages and the answers will come to you.

--Ethan Mayfield, 05/18/2023

Your first instinct is probably correct.

--Jaxon Pleasant, 05/17/2023

I studied the Texas Handbook of Driving that this website offers. The questions I found most difficult were the ones about the traffic signs. The easiest questions were the obvious ones where you identify things on the car.

--Ellie Huf, 05/17/2023

Test is very easy just pay attention to the lessons. Most is common sense.

--Morgan Kearns, 05/17/2023

I found the ones on alcohol made me think a lot. But it was very easy. And i prepared by studying and reading over everything.

--Kyra Buegeler, 05/04/2023

Easy peasy lemon squeezy

--Robert , 05/01/2023

Really reading the notes help because its not complicated it just seems like a lot but its very simple to memorize cause everything looks different and has its own meaning

--Cristo, 04/30/2023

A lot of the questions are common sense so don't overthink. Also, make sure you study the shapes and colors of the signs because those can be easy to forget during some of the tests.

--Jonahson Louis, 04/29/2023

you need to pay attention and read carefully

--Alan, 04/28/2023

To prepare me for the test I took my time and read the lessons carefully. The questions that I found most difficult were the right-of-way questions. Knowing which person goes first was hard for me to remember. The easiest questions were when to stop and how far. If you take notes as I did, you will pass the test and get your permit.

--McKenzie R Moore, 04/23/2023

it is very easy

--Alexis Griffin , 04/18/2023

it really not that bad if you really listened to the videos they gave us it will be so much easier and make sure to do all of the chapters for check your homework because the practice exams help a lot.

--Maya, 04/05/2023

I am a 16 year old teen that took the knowledge test not too long ago, and the only advice i could give is to make sure you study anytime the course gives you flashcards or a quiz at the end because all the info you need is on there.

--Jose Sanchez, 03/30/2023

it was fun

--Autumn Gail Sexton, 03/28/2023

Hi, my name is Isabelle and this is my story. Ever since I turned fourteen it has been my goal to get my driver's license as soon as possible. Unfortunately due to Texas laws, I would have to wait another two years to actually be driving. Thankfully I could start the process early and apply for my learner's license. With SAFE2DRIVE it has taught me so much about road safety, and learning to drive. I know a lot more facts than I did before and rules that will keep me safe.

--Isabelle DiMery, 03/28/2023

Nothing was really hard to do. It was just that you have to remember the lessons that you read for the exams after each lesson and then you'll have to remember all lessons for the knowledge test.

--Priscilla, 03/23/2023

what i did was i made sure to study alot so i would not have to go back and retake the quiz

--Austin cook, 03/23/2023

Make sure to take the practice test that they give you at the end. And using common knowledge and sense you should easily be able to pass that test.

--Colten , 03/16/2023

I kept notes of everything i learned

--Evelyn, 03/09/2023

I failed at first but try again n u will do it.

--Samantha , 03/08/2023

the easiest was the signs you just have to remember each sign means different things

--luis, 03/06/2023

Really the only thing i had to do to pass my test way pay attention to my lessons and review after that it just became remembering and applying it all.

--Aiden , 02/26/2023

it was pretty easy

--Nicholas Gutierrez, 02/24/2023

Study and test is easy

--Wylie Coke, 02/12/2023

I prepared by studying a lot,The most difficult questions are the road and right a way questions. The easiest questions I would say are the sign questions.

--Shaderrica C, 02/10/2023

A tip on how to succeed in getting your license is to be confident, if you want something you gotta work for it and really put in the effort. Having somebody read the lessons to me helped A LOT. Especially when they make it sound interesting and fun. I'd like to believe i was just naturally born to drive, not to mention i pay CLOSE attention to how people drive when i am in the car with them. The questions that were hard for me were the fines and the easiest questions were just the right-of-way

--Azzy, 02/02/2023

Study, study, study. You will rock this test its pretty easy if you study.

--Laura G, 01/30/2023

Pretty easy test if you read carefully and take your time.

--Caden H., 01/29/2023

It was super fun learning and the tricky ones were remembering the shapes of the signs. Overall, it was a great experience.

--Alexa Olea, 01/26/2023

i have learned a lot from safe2drive i highly recommend

--nate, 01/25/2023

I feel I found the test easy if you just pay attention and know the basics. After studying the words and definitions, it could go by in a breeze

--Julian , 01/18/2023

Take notes and memorize

--Mark Calimlim, 01/08/2023

Just pay attention

--Jasmine m, 01/03/2023

i just read through the book and memorised.

--Katrina s Caballero, 01/03/2023

Hello. I have passed my learner's license test. I was pleased because that was an accomplishment that is important to reach further into getting your driver's license. I accomplished this with the support of my pushing me further into studying Driving Safety and Lessons on the Road.

--Nelson Garcia, 01/02/2023

It was very sudden, but it was pretty much common knowledge. No stress. Although, you may want to brush up on tiny, specific laws.

--Sophia, 01/01/2023

Read. The. Questions.

--B House, 12/31/2022

This was very easy and finished in less than 25 mins. I am happy I passed. I was a little scared at first but that was fun. Signs are easy but laws are a little hard.

--Vishnu Pandrangi, 12/19/2022

I took lots of notes. I wrote down what seemed important, and made sure that if I really thought I needed to know it, I would ask an adult around me to clarify. I asked questions, wrote those down, and then highlighted key points and reviewed the flashcards that were in the lesson.

--Jessie , 12/07/2022

The test wasn't really that hard, it was remembering all the different numbers and stuff, but other that the test was easy.

--Aydrian , 12/01/2022

It was not hard at all.

--Hieu vu, 11/27/2022

i was nervous when i saw there was thirty questions but i was relieved by how easy the test was. i was also ready and prepared

--David Cazares, 11/23/2022

I feel like the easiest questions I found most easy was the drugs and alcohol unit. The hardest questions for me are the distant questions

--gloriana costa, 11/22/2022

just keep studying and take nots

--Joeaaron Benavidez, 11/22/2022

Its not a lot, just don't procrastinate about it.

--Angelica, 11/21/2022

the test

--Camden w Carrillomir, 11/18/2022

I studied all my courses and took notes

--noah conerly , 11/16/2022

remember the technical stuff like numbers. how far away you need to be from the curb when parallel parking, how many feet away cars need to be before you can make a U-turn, stuff like that

--sydney, 11/14/2022

Study the material you are provided with

--Justin Dozier, 11/10/2022

If you study each lesson, then the test doesn't take long

-- Jaxon, 11/05/2022

The types of questions I found difficult during the courses and test where the ones involving specific numbers and costs for things.

--Gio Guerrero, 11/02/2022

Don't procrastinate and practice those tests try to get 2 in a row and then go on with the lesson. Then later come back and practice them again.

--Johnathan Schreck, 11/01/2022

You got to really study beforehand, so you have to take more than once.

--Samuel Hatch, 11/01/2022

It was a grate experience and was easy and very understanding.

--Jimmy Espinoza, 10/25/2022

I found the test really easy, its all really common sense.

--Karah , 10/24/2022

The test was very easy because I studied very hard.

--Noah Villanueva, 10/21/2022

Before taking the knowledge test, I had no clue or knew nothing about what to expect. In order to get ready for the knowledge test, I only read my notes. There aren't any questions. In my opinion, the signs were the easiest.

--Landon Roberson , 10/13/2022

i passed my signs easily but my laws got me

--gage harkey, 10/12/2022

I think the knowledge test was a great test, the questions were important and basic things we should know, but keep in mind most of us don't until we actually have to study to do so. The games that were found during the courses of the test really helped out, they were making this learning adventure fun and easier to learn. Checking over the notes is what really helped me out on the quizzes, they summarized most of all the reading that we had to do.

--Kennia Lopez, 10/01/2022

the questions weren't that difficult as long as you would pass on each lesson before taking it.

--Yelynn , 09/25/2022

I found the easiest questions were about safety and the hardest were quantitative data questions, like statistics or exact distance. Goodluck.

--Tatum H, 09/23/2022

The biggest thing you can do to prepare for this is to have a notebook or journal containing all need info like laws, signs, and driving tips. If you are struggling with a certain subject, review your writings or go over stuff you might have missed. The last thing you should do is study before the test with the games and flashcards, they are very handy.

--Cadan Wilmarth, 09/15/2022

Just remember to focus on the reviews

--Jonathan, 09/12/2022

This was an amazing experience so far so easy and cheap loved it

--Diego Rivera , 09/01/2022

i just studied

--sara kutchey, 08/31/2022

It wasnt too hard just pay attention to what you are being taught and it will take you a long way

--Nathan Hernandez, 08/29/2022

Taking the courses is not as hard and challenging as they seem with good practice and focus. Each lesson will give you a series of information and videos to teach you the basics of roadway rules and safety. As long as you pay attention and do the homework provided, each individual quiz can be completed in seconds. I believe the only sort of hard thing to remember was number questions. Take your time with each lesson and do so in a quiet focused environment and I promise the test will be easy.

--Isabella Powers, 08/26/2022

I just paid attention to the videos and it helped me also when taking your drivers test or schooling pay attention because they will teach you all of this.

--Emma Fullmer, 08/24/2022

Having learner thing is good for you for you to learn how to driver

--Bailee thacker, 08/10/2022

Reviewing the questions really helped me with the quiz because the review showed me what I had to do and the safety steps to follow to be a great driver. The questions with the signs were more difficult especially when I looked at the signs and most of them looked similar in my opinion. The easiest questions were the turns and signals which really helped me figure out when to signal a turn before I actually turn.

--Josiah Cox, 08/09/2022

I studied the knowledge handbook and that really helped

--Laken whitmore, 08/06/2022

While some of the information may seem obvious and the questions tedious, try to pay attention as the tests will catch you off guard

--Robert Jones , 08/06/2022

Well taking online drivers ed is easy to learn about driving because want if your parents can't help you and you have drivers Ed to help you

--Bailed thacker , 08/06/2022

I thought the test was easy, because i had study some of the basic knoweldge. Overall if you study you will okay.

--Andrew Flores , 08/05/2022

uh im 15 i want my license so i did this and i thought it would be really hard but lowkey i kinda already knew it all so done

--jacob jeter, 08/04/2022

Very easy course

--Isaac gonzalez, 08/03/2022

As me being an experienced driver self taught at home and actual going through the process the right way I would say practice and study your signs and always be safe and too remember your driving for yourself and others

--Taniyah Cofield , 08/02/2022

Make sure you pay attention and read everything

--Gerardo Chavez, 08/01/2022

I found the question that included three answer choices and then the all of the above answer choice. I found those questions a bit more difficult then the others. What I did to prepare i just read I tried to read every day if not every two days. With that I felt like I finished my 6 hours pretty fast after I signed up for my course.

--Kyra, 07/29/2022

the roadway question was the most difficult out of all of them and for me the easiest questions were the road signs questions. i could say that this has really helped me to become a better driver.

--Tracy Ufuoma Ikre, 07/29/2022

It was really easy to follow and finish

--Hunter , 07/26/2022

This has help me a lot thanks

--Sarah corder, 07/24/2022

For preparing for the test, I studied the homework I was given, and repeatedly took the practice tests until I felt right. For the tricky questions, just go over the things you know the least about, and you should be fine.

--Jack Clark, 07/23/2022

The Test Wasn't really difficult. I didn't do much to prepare I just did the lessons carefully, and that was it.

--Ahmet Hatayoglu, 07/22/2022

Its not as hard as it sounds, just take notes and make sure to study for it. Always look back to what you have written down so that later on you can look back to make sure your doing the right thing. And of course... GOOD LUCK

--Chima Ukonu, 07/21/2022

I studied in my notebook and watched videos. I found the intersection questions the hardest while the road signs the easiest.

--Nancy M Baez, 07/08/2022

The first few lessons were relatively easy because it focused on stuff I have already been taught by my parents or just knew anyway. When I got to the knowledge test I was confident that I would pass it but I knew I would miss a couple questions. The questions I struggle with the most are the ones with numbers like with a certain amount of feet or inches.

--Max DiFonzo-Jones, 07/07/2022

I prepared by reviewing street signs and the basics from the course. The most difficult question for me was the one about the maximum amount that may be fined from a minor.

--Jett Thompson , 07/01/2022

It was pretty good , not to hard also

--Kolt Hackebeil , 06/22/2022

If you take it and pay attention its easy

--Gavingoben, 06/18/2022

i think that you should remember how drunk you can get before it's illegal. if you're under 18, that's any amount of drunk, so just don't drink.

--Ryan Sheehan, 06/11/2022

I got a 100 on the knowledge test and you can too. I recommend you take the practice exams on each of the 6 units in the homework they give you before you take this test. Also pay attention the the amount of feet distance in different scenarios because for me those questions were the most difficult. The easy part for you, if you are anything like me, will most likely be the uses for signs. Even so, I think you should review those too, just in case.

--Jadon Bolack, 06/11/2022

My knowledge before the test was alright but what got me to pass the test was by reading and paying attention to the work there for the test wasnt hard. But what you should do to prepare your self for the test was to make sure you read it over and over to remeber the assignment. The most difficult ones are the signs because there are alot of signs that look the same and i kept getting mixed up. The easiest one was the true or false or sum of the wording of the question and wording is easier.

--jaydon, 06/11/2022

I don't even know what to say but I studied hard to be able to pass the test

--Zamarion Thomas, 06/10/2022

I felt that the knowledge test was pretty easy as long as you study.

--Erin, 06/07/2022

It was very easy just do the games at the end a couple of times and i do 2 lessons a day

-- Sam Webb, 06/06/2022

The best thing to do is right some of it down and go over it again and again. Also writing it down helps you remember things.

--Aubrey K., 06/06/2022

Be sure you read carefully and every detail .You will pass every quiz if do so.

--Greco Huerta, 05/31/2022

the test was not that hard you just need to pay attention to everything the videos say and the flashcards and games really do help so play them.

--payton alaniz , 05/25/2022

I studied for the test for at least 45 minutes before taking the test.

--caleb steward, 05/18/2022

when i startred my test i was really nerveos if iwas gonna pass it or not but uckly for me i past it a the firt time with a really good grade the esiast questins where the ones abut driving on the road amd the hardest pnes where the ones about achool and drugs i strugleld alot on those questions

--ulises alvarado, 05/17/2022

It really isn't even that hard.

--Kevin Jaramillo, 05/16/2022

I had a great experience and the most difficult part of the course was the sighs and signals.

--Adriana Arbizu , 05/13/2022

It was fairly easy.

--Jilleon Palmer, 05/10/2022

I didn't really prepare for the test. I read over the material with ease and submitted in an orderly fashion leading up to the test

--Jilleon Palmer, 05/10/2022

read the stuff

--Julia Houts, 05/08/2022

this is very easy if you are willing to put in the work. read the suggested passages and learn about others' stories of their mistakes and learn from this. yall got this

--Elizabeth , 05/06/2022

I was ready to take on the test. Or so I fought. I failed it the first time, specially the laws part of it. So I recomend studying those. And then who knows, you might get it right the first time.

--Gabriel Reisinger, 04/27/2022

It was very easy. I was able to do it everywhere. I got it done pretty quick

--Emily blankenship , 04/18/2022

It was a simple learning experience of reading and listening to answer questions on mandatory content to know for safety and driving skills.

--Lydia Ikeda, 04/17/2022

Honestly I took this course cause I was really ready to start driving. I was surprised by how simple these classes were and how I was actually learning a lot. I've took my classes on the couch, on the bus, etc. It's really something accessible about having an entire course that isn't in person and boring in your hands.

--Jazzmen, 03/21/2022

Make sure to know the signs and what they mean and what signs have what shape.

--Rylee , 03/21/2022

i just studyed hard and went over road signs and laws and also did the reviews to make sure everything i needed is there for me to past the test. there wasn't any hard questions to me. the easy one was the pedestrians questions.

--jaden carroll , 03/20/2022

I really liked this, it was very helpful I learned so much things that I needed to learn about driving and signs and all the other laws about driving. I recommend future students to use this website for your license.

--Gabriel Martinez, 03/16/2022

What i did to help me on the test was watching my parents drive and paying attention to all the street signs.

--Alexandra Fernandez, 03/14/2022

The first priority I took to prepare for the knowledge test was watching signs why my family drives, and this was so useful. Also some difficult questions were matching signs and colors, but besides that the test was really easy.

--Luke, 03/10/2022

It was pretty easy just stick to it and pay attention

--tyler hack, 03/07/2022

I reviewed over the courses to prepare myself for the test I passed better than I thought once I did that.

--Terry Satcher Jr, 02/28/2022

the whole thing is kinda easy and its nothing to stress about as long as you payed even a little bit of attention you should be fine

--william patterson, 02/22/2022

To prepare for the test I honestly recommend taking a ton of practice tests and going over signs.

--Joannah Andis, 01/26/2022

It was kind of challenging but easy at the same time. Be sure to take your time and it really does go by fast if you dig in.

--Braelin, 01/22/2022

I honestly just listened and paid attention to the lessons, that's all you have to do. It's not that hard. Most of it is common sense.

--Dashona McBride , 01/12/2022

was somewhat helpful know a lot of knew stuff.

--max, 01/06/2022

Read carefully and pay attention

--Tyshon Jammar, 01/05/2022

I like to ask my parents questions when they are driving. That is how I got through this so easily.

--Mason Hejl, 12/27/2021

I wasn't allowed to go back and review the lessons after I finished lesson 7, so just make sure that you review before the lesson 7 quiz. I passed without reviewing much though.

--Julia, 11/24/2021

Simple and easy of you paid attention

--Kevin Bell, 11/14/2021

Take notes and read slowly

--Sam, 11/11/2021

Make sure to take notes on anything you think is MOSTLY important and read very carefully and understand what the instructors are trying to tell you.

--Sam , 11/11/2021

This was a very interesting course. IT helps you a lot and is also very easy in the way that it teaches you. As well as it is very cheap for the things that you get out of it

--Terrell A, 10/28/2021

Honestly was pretty easy, just some memorizing of street signs and various laws i did it in a good 8 minutes and got a 85.

--Tyler Chappell, 10/20/2021

Well from my experience the normal traffic signs were easy but then it got harder as they started to change up but really for me the hard part was the law signs.

--Jamarcus Rayson, 10/15/2021

the difficult one was the signs one cause i thought i would know them but they were difficult to remember. the easiest one was how to turn properly in the lanes.

--Aldrick Penton Jr, 10/13/2021

Be careful and re-read everything because its important if you dont believe me you'll see because when its time to take the test and you already clicked to move forward there is no going back so pay attention and you'll succeed

--Darryl Claiborne III, 10/02/2021

The test was honestly easy you just need to pay attention and read carefully go through everything and go to through practice examination test and learn the question if you fail you can retake it and play the games watch the videos to see how the laws really work.

--Raymundo Calzadias , 09/18/2021

The test was easy, kind of common sense.

--Mariana , 09/15/2021

When you get ready to take the test, don't forget to look back at the 'homework Test'. I know you may not want to do homework, but they do work as a great review. Also, don't forget that common sense is a driver's best friend. If you may not totally understand what's being asked, just look at it logically and give your best shot. Good Luck.

--Lindsey Haneline, 09/15/2021

I didn't prepare for the test much and still passed. You should still prepare a little though. The most difficult questions were about the statistics involving the laws of driving. The easiest were the questions about signs. Here are some tips. The test focuses mainly on signs and the laws of driving. The signs are pretty easy to remember so focus on the law part, mainly the statistics of it. But, that doesn't mean you should only focus on the laws, the signs are important to know too.

--Hudson, 09/12/2021

I didn't do any preparations for the test and still passed

--Levi Standard, 09/09/2021

I made sure to read very carefully and pay attention to the reading. Take your time and take the knowledge practice test, they are very helpful.

--Hudson Godfrey, 09/06/2021

I just studied for the test and I passed

--Hannah, 09/03/2021

I just studied and studied and studied lots of studying

--Anymounus, 09/02/2021

Received my permit. Yay

--Aiden Gutierrez , 08/19/2021

I studied each section for the knowledge test and took notes

--winiella balangue, 08/15/2021

the questions are pretty easy, but the hardest questions were the ones that were very specific

--Yunisha Shashankar, 08/15/2021

The test was fairly easy.

--jennifer minter, 08/08/2021

I studied and worked hard to prepare for the test. I found the most difficult questions to answer were the ones about law. The easiest to answer were the questions about signs.

--Gilberto Paz, 08/07/2021

Love this test

--Yuridia , 08/05/2021

was very helpful and gave me very good information about driving

--caydence crowder, 08/04/2021

If you learn the lessons and study you should be fine. It goes over common stuff about driving and stuff like that.

--Jonathan, 08/03/2021

If you studied and actually read the lessons, you should be fine. The questions consisted of mostly common knowledge and key topics discussed through the first few lessons.

--Emma Sanchez, 07/29/2021

Playing the games is very helpful for all the exams and small tests. Don't get discouraged if your internet gives out constantly, it eventually works and it will save where you left off.

--H.Rae Vinson, 07/23/2021

My best way of studying is just simply reading over parts you don't know off the top of your head. As long as you remember the common sense portions, you can focus on remembering certain numbers associated with certain situations.

--Minh, 07/23/2021

I was very worried about the test and it wasn't as bad or hard as I was expecting. Pay attention during your courses and just use common knowledge and you should do fine. Good luck.

--Riley Morton, 07/22/2021

The knowledge test isn't very difficult if you take the time to read and understand everything that is shown to you. Don't rush and re-learn everything that you don't understand or try to find a good source to research so you can pass with flying colors. Rush and the knowledge test will be confusing but take your time and you'll better understand.

--Eh Htoo, 07/18/2021

It was quick and very time efficient. I learned so many driving tips and important information that will be useful for me in the future.

--Damarah Lozoya, 07/16/2021

Only 6 hours to read and go through info. A lot of the stuff you already know from your parents driving you.

--Louisa Martin , 07/13/2021

I did not find any of the questions that challenging as I was well prepared

--Luke Hansen, 07/06/2021

It does a good job at keeping things at a steady pace

--Vesaam Malik, 07/04/2021

I feel like it was a good course overall. It does a great job making sure it doesn't throw all the information at you at once.

--Vesaam Malik, 06/30/2021

Make sure u read very carefully and you will do great. Take advantage of the timmer and every lesson and read over something u don't get.

--Abbigail , 06/28/2021

When I took the knowledge test I was so nervous but I passed with flying colors because the course was so easy to understand and anything I had trouble understanding was explained even more in the homework. I also took lots of practice test in order to prepare.

--Alize Martinez, 06/22/2021

The Knowledge Test was pretty much the same as the information covered in each course. My tip is to take your time and read each question carefully.

--Monica Carrillo, 06/21/2021

I was very nervous when I was about to take the test. The best thing for you to do is get a good nights rest and start the test confident.

--chris wehr, 06/14/2021

The knowledge test for me went well. I would say the hardest part of the test were some of the signs I wasn't familiar with, but other than that the test was fairly easy for me.

--LaTerra Satcher , 06/14/2021

I thought the course did a great job preparing me for the knowledge test. It went over all the concepts in depth. I understood everything it was teaching, and did it all within a good time fragment. The questions I found to be the most difficult were the ones referring to insurance, but rather than that no other issues occurred and no other difficulties were presented.

--Rebecca Gonzales, 06/09/2021

I just want my permit.

--Kaileigh Solorio, 06/08/2021

I can't say much but you should make sure that you understand it. I know that's obvious so do it anyway

--Joshua Beijan, 06/06/2021

You should STUDY, STUDY and STUDY

--Jaxon Garner, 06/02/2021

This is an excellent way to get the necessary questions you will need for upcoming drivers. It provides multiple opportunities to understand what you will need to know on the roads. The courses have pictures and videos for more visual learners to grasp information. For me the hardest questions were the ones about the specific the amount of distance from your car.

--Ryan Armendariz , 05/28/2021

The road sign safety questions were the hardest as many of the road signs I was questioned on are rarely, if ever, used in daily driving. The right of way questions and things like that were quite easy as I've been paying attention to those kinds of things my whole life.

--Jason, 05/25/2021

Take time to study more

--Brandyn, 05/21/2021

i read over all my lessons before taking the test and i made flashcards that helped me alot

--ellie chatman, 05/18/2021

The course is super easy once you get the hang of it and do the games and slides. I passed the 6 hour test in the first try

--Skye, 05/17/2021

Make sure to study the work and know it.

--Kai, 05/17/2021

So far this course has been amazing, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

--Caiden Davis, 05/07/2021

I just took my time reading the passage and being able to go back to the passage really help me. I think the tests wasnt hard but yeah some question i had to make sure by going back to the passage

--Josemi, 05/03/2021

Very easy and taught me a lot.

--Fabian, 04/12/2021

The test was really easy. All I studied were the previous lessons and the handbook. Questions asking for exact number amounts I found the most difficult. All other questions were mostly easy.

--Alyssa, 04/12/2021

what helped me prepare was driving and asking my parents for help whenever I didn't get a question and if I didn't get something I would either surch it up or go back and watch the video's

--Brandon Roby , 03/31/2021

it wasn't bad

--lance akins, 03/28/2021

I thought it was going to be hard but if you study it should be easy.

--Ava Spangler , 03/25/2021

me being me i was nervous to take it but if you just honestly pay attention you got it

--bailey remmers, 03/19/2021

iT was pretty easy

--Jazmynn Powell, 03/17/2021

At first i thought that i wouldn't be able to work with the website but by time i started doing the lessons , focused on the reviews the program gave me , and once the quizzes popped up i will get the questions correct sooner or later i got to the knowledge test and little did i know , everything i learned in the course came in the test which was easy for me to pass and now with my certificate im proud of it and now will be able to get others to start their course

--Isaac Cruz, 03/16/2021

I found the questions like how far should you be from a curb or what kind of sign is this the most difficult but overall that was a pretty easy test to take and you shouldn't struggle on it.

--Jazmynn Powell, 03/16/2021

the test was fairly simple jsut use your common sense and write notes during the learning period and it should be an easy test

--aden arredondo , 02/28/2021

Just read and study and everything you need is there

--Gamaliel Vazquez, 02/27/2021

I watched my family members drive and I asked questions. The harder questions were the questions about the signs and what the colors meant.

--Jonathan Anders, 02/19/2021

It's really not that bad, most of it is basic knowledge if you aren't sure about something just go over it. Don't stress.

--Samantha Ristine, 02/19/2021

Don't stress too much over it, its very simple and based more on common since then memory of everything

--Preston Sikes, 02/17/2021

My experience on this test was amazing because I learned a lot of things. My hardest question was the one that you have to reduce your headlights to 500. My easiest question was the one on the railroad crossing. By the way it was a great experience.

--Ronaldo Valdes, 02/13/2021

I enjoyed my experience

--Malakhi Washington , 02/09/2021

You just have to pay attention and read the course slow and steady in order to get all the information. The test is pretty easy if you actually pay attention.

--Joshua Salas, 02/03/2021

The test overall is fairly easy as long as you pay attention and are attentive during the lessons. The hardest part about the test is the very specific distances and signs. As long as you do your work and work hard you will be fine.

--Kaden Hill, 01/27/2021

I think it was good.

--Abigail, 01/25/2021

I wasn't sure if I would pass or not but it was pretty simple. Just make sure to remember the signs cause some of the answers are really close and specific. Also remember your numbers for distances as best as you can.

--Savannah Williams, 01/23/2021

i prepared for it by studying the road signs and also I felt comfturble with this test

--isac ramirez , 01/22/2021

It was good just study the shapes of signs

--Keira, 01/20/2021

It was easy if you actually studied

--Jaylon wise, 01/18/2021

Completing the 6 hours, as well as my knowledge test, was very simple and easy. Take your time and everything will make sense.

--Andrew, 01/13/2021

study your laws.

--brody waid, 01/06/2021

Some things you know about the knowledge test is that although its very important you pass you shouldn't worry about it too much for my experience it was relatively easy and pass with a good score. Whenever your preparing for the test I recommend the 6 hour homework quizzes you can find in each quiz in each different topic in the homework I recommend doing all of them until you feel comfortable. The questions I found easiest was the topic I read about the most during this course.

--Lily Thompson, 12/21/2020

it wasnt hard, i just read through everything before taking the test

--sommer wohlgemuth, 12/15/2020

i was absolutely terrified of this test and ended up only missing two questions. Dont stress, all of this is basically common sense.

--Jenns, 12/10/2020

it was not very hard at all. just pay attention to the lessons, and you will slide by the exam with ease.

--montana, 11/11/2020

The test is pretty easy, you just have to pay attention to the lessons and use a little common sense.

--Diana Tran, 11/02/2020

I studied, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to be in this position. Don't just read, understand it at ever angle. Really pay attention to the law vocabulary words.

--Nadia Howard, 10/21/2020

Make sure to pay attention the insurance of the car because there is a question over it.

--Makayla Alexander, 10/20/2020

The knowledge test is not as scary as it may seem. As long as you focus during the lessons and lay attention then, you will be perfectly fine. Good Luck

--Elizabeth Wade, 10/19/2020

It was easy if you studied the handbook and read everything.

--Benton Guggenheim, 10/16/2020

The test will having you knowing things that you haven't knew and will get you ready for the road

--Haylee Miller, 10/08/2020

It was easy because I did the pre test and home work

--Harley, 09/03/2020

To tell the truth I really didn't find the knowledge test all that hard-- It took me about 15 minutes to complete, and the only questions I had any trouble with at all were the ones with numbers. Just don't stress. As long as you have carefully read all the material you have everything you need to pass this test easily. And if you have a head for numbers it'll be even easier.

--Sophie, 09/02/2020

It was kinda easy but a few challenges

--Jasmine Christmas , 09/01/2020

I just went over all my notes of the laws and meaning of signs

--Shawn c, 08/30/2020

really easy just make sure you remember signs and laws

--katie w, 08/29/2020

I was scared at first of driving but i got way more confident going through this course

--Spencer Harlow , 08/28/2020

I found the laws part of the test the easiest so make sure you really remember your signs and your laws as well

--Makayla simmons, 08/24/2020

I think the knowledge test was actually very easy. But it was only really easy because they named everything you needed to know very well and was very specific so that is why that test was easy. Some questions were harder but if you thought about what you had read it got a lot easier.

--Rhayndee Brooks, 08/18/2020

To prepare for the test I took notes on everything I was learning and I made sure that when it was something important that I knew that was going to be in the test I made sure that I studied it more the questions that I had more trouble with was sign section the easiest was the right and left

--Emily , 08/14/2020

What I did before taking the knowledge test was just go over everything I had learned and play some of the games provided on the website. The games they have really seem to help me remember what i've learned better. I did that for about five minutes and then I decided I was ready. It was maybe the easiest test i've ever taken. Literally all you have to do is pay attention during the class and you'll pass. I got a one hundred and it took about five minutes to finish. Just don't be nervous.

--Ella K, 08/07/2020

I found the knowledge test fairly easily if you do the classes. The questions that I found the hardest were the questions about laws. They were pretty straight forward but I found the laws most difficult to remember.

--Jaylyn Bishop, 08/04/2020